The Months of the Year


Named after Janus, the Italian god of beginnings and of gateways. He is usually portrayed as having two faces, looking both ways.


Named after the Roman festival of Februa which was held in the middle of the month.


Named after Mars, the Roman god of war.


Comes from a word meaning "opening" because this is the time of year when the earth seems to open up to allow all the flowers to grow.


The name is again about growing. The month is named after Maia, the goddess of the spring.


The origin of the name is uncertain. The month may have been named after Juno whom the Romans regarded as the Queen of Heaven. Or the name may have been adopted after the Roman family name Junius.


This month used to be called Quintilis, or the fifth month. But it was renamed July in honour of Julius Caesar who reformed the Roman calendar.and whose birthday was in July


The Romans originally named the month Sextilis or the sixth month. But in 8BC it was renamed after Augustus Caesar, the nephew of Julius Caesar. Augustus was the Roman emperor at the time that Jesus was born. He is referred to in the Gospel according to St.Luke, chapter 2 verse 1: "In those days a decree was issued by the Emperor Augustus for a general registration throughout the Roman world".


No gods or great men here. The name just means the seventh month. When March was counted as the beginning of the year, it was the seventh, just as July was the fifth.


The eighth month


The ninth month


The tenth month

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