Other Worship Material

1. Dear Lord, help us to understand that we are all equally your children.
We all have our strengths and weaknesses.
Help us to understand the problems that those of us with epilepsy, or with other medical conditions can face.
When others need special care help us to understand how to look after them.
And when we need special care, help others to respond to our needs. Amen.

2 . Spirit of life, who inspires in us all the best aspects of our lives and especially when we are at our most creative, help us to remember and celebrate the great flashes of light which light up our lives:
- the flash of inspiration which speeds up our understanding of what is happening around us!
- the flash of insight which helps us to understand a friend or family member a little better and which leads to a deeper friendship!
- the flash of lightning which lights up the countryside or the town-centre revealing in sharp detail things we never noticed before!
- the flash which can forewarn of an attack of epilepsy or migraine and which reveals the world in ways unknown to people who do not suffer from these conditions.
We cannot know from where these flashes come
- but we can give thanks for them all the same. Amen.

3. A prayer by Paulette Motzco

4. Eternal God, Father and Mother of us all, we pray especially today for all of us who have any special medical condition, that we may enjoy happy and fulfilling lives, able to pursue our interests and use our talents, secure in the love and support of our friends and families.

Lord, hear our prayer.

We pray for those engaged in research into the causes and treatment of medical conditions, and especially epilepsy, that their work may prosper, bringing greater understanding and relief.

Lord, hear our prayer.

We pray for those organisations dedicated to helping people who have epilepsy, or other medical conditions, that they may be supported in their work and their influence may grow.

Lord, hear our prayer.

And we pray for each one of us, that we may have understanding and that we may be given the courage and wisdom to serve each other according to our needs.


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