A suggestion for collective worship in a secondary school

A suggestion for collective worship in a secondary school

Imagine what it must be like to be in a fierce storm at night in the middle of an ocean in a ship that has no power except for the wind in its sails.

Now picture yourself in a chapel, or a temple, or some other place of worship. What a contrast!

Perhaps it was his experience of a terrifying storm at sea that enabled John Newton to write movingly about a place of worship:

Within these walls let holy peace
And love and concord dwell

Recount something of the story of Newton, referring to his hard life at sea, the spiritual change that came to him during the storm, the volume of Olney hymns, and the words of 'Great Shepherd of thy people'.

We may not be exposed to the dangers of a storm at sea, but we do face other anxieties and stresses, and so, like Newton, we can appreciate the sacred spaces where we can be quiet and pray.

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