Sacred Space

All religions have their special places, spaces which are sacred, hallowed. They may use these spaces for worship or as a memorial or to bury their dead. They may be places where they believe something very special has occurred, perhaps the appearance of a holy figure. Perhaps, however, we should regard the whole earth as sacred space, a revelation of the divine presence. The Reverend Cliff Reed has written

Divinity is present everywhere.
Heaven and earth are filled with God.
But in some places at certain times
we feel a specialty of presence.
These pages are about such places.

Suggestion for collective worship in a primary school

Suggestion for collective worship in a secondary school

A hymn about a Christian sacred space

Prayers in sacred space

Questions for discussion

Things to do

John Newton, hymn writer

Some very varied sacred spaces

The Salvation Army's unusual places of worship

A place of sanctuary

John Betjeman reads 'A diary of a church mouse'

A glossary of terms associated with church buildings and furniture

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